Monday, May 7, 2012

The Stadium debate in the House

I did something I can honestly say I have never done. I sat at the computer for over 4 hours and watched the House debate about the stadium.

I was real unsure coming into tonight how it would go. The more it went on I was getting a better feeling. It was incredible to hear each man or woman get up and give their point of view wether for or against the stadium.

The stories each rep told about Vikings games can never get old. It seemed as I listened to each speaker, this person was giving his vote green without even saying. The feeling all night I had was getting more positive. I got the feeling these politicans were understanding the team can not leave Minnesota.

At last about 10:30 or so the vote was called for. I had the voting screen in front of me with the dots either green or red appearing. It may sound funny but my hands were ringing wet with sweat. I found my self counting them as they appeared. The green had a run then the red had a run. The nerves were maxed out. I finally counted 73 green knowing it was a win and did not care how many red. Although I did count the red anyways and saw 58.

I felt the results were a little more green than I expected. I did feel it would be a win after hearing the speeches but part of me thought it would be closer. 73-58. Is that close? It doesn't matter just any sport if you win 52-3 or 48-45, bottom line is a WIN!! 

The next step I took was getting my Senator's name, who is Mike Parry, and emailed him to help our cause  and vote yes.

It was an incredible night. Was it a waste to sit 4 hours in front of the computer? Absolutely not, watching the first step to keeping the team I love right here in Minnesota.

Purple Stick

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