Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Encouraging fans to come to a Vikes home game

This will be year 14 for season tickets and I will add being a season ticket holder is an honor. I will also add just because I am a season ticket holder does not make me the biggest Vikings fan. I have met so many out there who are huge fans and cannot make it to games. It is a choice I made in life to buy the rights to sit in watch 10 games a year, 2 preseason and 8 regular season games.

I do love the option the Vikings offer with 3 payments so I can afford the ability to be one of the 64,000 screaming maniacs.

I am simply telling people whether through this blog or talking to people in general who say the game is sold out and I cannot come, there are different ways you can be in there.

My words to people out there are you could go to every game if you wanted. The difference is you just may not sit in the same seat each game like a season ticket holder does. I walk the same path to the game and come across so many people selling tickets. It is just a matter of deals you can find with the scalpers. The other route I have seen is eBay, ticket exchange or ticket master.

I am encouraging people to take in a game some time and see how loud it really is in there and feel the electricity in the air.

Yes, I hear from many it is be easier to stay home and avoid the crowds and the car congestion both on the way into and out of Minneapolis.

 I can see that but, I also offer up the Light Rail if you do not want to drive into the craziness. It also saves parking money.

The first home game is just a little over a month when the Vikings host the Houston Texans on Friday August 9th. It is the last time we will see a first home preseason game at Mall of America Field.

I know one of the biggest complaints about season tickets is the cost of the same price for preseason as regular season.

I enjoy the preseason games especially after attending training camp and seeing the guys battle. It intrigues me how players transfer their practice skills to playing in a live NFL game. Who will be the shocker to make the roster?

Thanks for reading


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