Saturday, July 27, 2024



Saturday July 27th was Day 1 of Vikings TC in Eagan, Minnesota and this IS my 31st year of attending this wonderful event.

The strange thing about me or at least one of the strange things is I dislike heat like I can’t describe yet year after year I sit out there watching the team train. It seems like the weather knows when it’s training camp time it’s automatically going to be hot. Saturday July 27th, 2024 did not disappoint. It was sticky and icky!!!!!

I got to Eagan around 11:30 and waited in line as the gates don’t open until noon. That is ok because I love being there with the other hundreds of Viking fans.

Security is walking up and down the sidewalk making sure people didn’t have questions but reminding people they can’t bring full size footballs or helmets in but mini helmets are ok. I saw a few people making the trip back to their vehicles.

The gates open and I feel like I am in Willy Wonka as so many fans are walking quickly. There is a scratch off area to the left where kids can get a scratch off to hopefully meet the player they wanted to meet.

The rest of us seemed to go in the Vikings Locker Room for 2 fold reason potentially with a chance to get in air conditioning or shop while cooling off. All I know is it was packed in there and hard to move around.

I recommend if you come bring a water bottle empty with a lid on it as they have water stations around camp where you can fill your water bottle for free.

There is plenty to do for families but when I go I wait around and at 1pm the gates open for practice which doesn’t start until 2:30. My reasoning is I go to the top of the bleachers and get a back rest and it seems to be cooler with a little breeze coming through. There are often other fans up there so I can talk to people if they want to. I have learned through the years every one there has one thing in common and that is our favorite team in purple.

The practice itself is nothing special as there is so much going on its hard to pick one area you want to watch which I believe this a good problem.

I love 7 on 7 watching. I have seen like everyone else highlights but to see these guys in person is a whole different animal.

I love watching Justin Jefferson because he seldom makes a regular catch he seems to practice his art or making the easy catches tougher by going one handed or leaping. All I know is he brings a ton of joy to fans.

I am extremely impressed with JJ McCarthy’s arm strength and accuracy although he did have a forced pass that was intercepted but I saw way more good than bad.

One guy to watch for in camp will be Jalen Nailor. I liked him in camp last year and he is back wearing #8. He made 3 TD catches including one of them a pass thrown behind him. He made a catch in the corner of the end zone that I thought the defender had good coverage but Nailor made the catch. How nice was the catch ? It seemed every offensive skill position player congratulated him including a big high 5 for Justin Jefferson.

The defensive side of the ball the player that stood out to me was first round pick, Dallas Turner. It seemed every time he was lined out right he was crashing down on the offensive line to the quarterback. A point I must add he was going vs the 2nd unit Oline but still his speed was on display.

Practice was cut a little short making fans happy as random player’s grabbed sharpies and footballs signing them and throwing them to the crowd. I always enjoy this because it’s my chance to get a closer picture of players as they are not that far away.

That’s all for now from Eagan so until Monday have a great Sunday!!!




Monday, September 11, 2023

Home opener disappointment


It was January 15, 2023 and the Vikings hosted the New York Giants in the opening round of the playoffs. The Vikings favored to win and I was so sure and of course the game needs to be played.

Yes the Vikings lost 31-24 to the Giants and most of the talk was the 4th down and game on the line we see a four yard pass Kirk Cousins to TJ Hockenson which ends up short and game over. The Giants celebrating and Vikings leaving the field with fans so quiet.

The streets of Minneapolis might have been the most quiet I have heard in some time with fans seemingly slowly making the walk back to their vehicles.

We now bring on the 2023 season with the Vikings hosting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at US Bank Stadium. The crowd out on front of the stadium was packed with purple clad fans with a sprinkle of Tampa Bay fans. It was to the point it was extremely hard to get through people which I like because it’s a place of happiness for now.

The doors of the stadium were open with the nice weather. The atmosphere was as good as I hoped and even better.

It is classis Vikings everywhere all over the stadium with the end zones painted old school and the fan flags were same theme.

The place was electric with the full American flag across the whole field, a fly over by three military helicopters really brought the chills. The Vikings offensive players were announced one by one with the last being Justin Jefferson. It was an incredibly loud cheer for the best receiver in the NFL.

The pregame brings a tear to me as the loss of my dad six years ago brings so many memories of my bond with him during the season. All I could do is look up to the glass knowing he was watching with me. It’s incredibly hard to think about the way he left but all I can do is hold my memories.

The Skol chant is going crazy while Bud Grant’s family is blowing the Gjallarhorn. I tell you it was loud and proud to be part of this Bud Grant was to start a game.

I knew the game would be tough and Vike 5.5 point favorite I was extremely nervous because the team seems to have a history of playing down to the competition.

I heard from multiple sources on the radio the Bucs would be a bottom five team when all is said and done.

I have been to way to many games in fact over 200 games in my life having the hand sweats. The only season I can remember was my first year of season tickets in 1998 when Randy Moss came into the league and we saw the Vikings destroy everyone at home until of course the NFC Championship game.

The first half went as I feared leaving the Bucs in the game although when Kirk Cousins found Jordan Addison wide open and then a TD the place went crazy.  Is this the point where momentum goes to the Vikings and we destroy Tampa Bay? Nope!!!

Halftime 10-10 and my gut not feeling so well. You have to be kidding letting this team play with you? Halftime was very cool with the Vikings players of the decade out in chairs in the end zone with Mark Rosen and Ahmad Rashad each speaking about Bud and his team of the decade. Rashad wore #70 and explained to the crowd he is in support of Jim Marshall and the effort to get him in the NFL Hall of Fame.

It’s crazy at halftime Kirk has thrown for 273 yards in one half alone and the Vikings are tied, it felt like a game the Vikings should be ahead.

The obvious many reasons account for the loss. A player lining up off sides on a field goal giving the Bucs another chance as three comes off the scoreboard and eventually a seven.

Three turnover by the Vikings and 0 by the Bucs doesn’t help. The offensive line which has been beat up in twitter and all social media avenues I will agree. I honestly felt like I was watching 2022 season extended.

It’s brutal to watch the front five get destroyed wat to many times. I like being at games because you can watch so much more and I watch Kirk especially seeming not to have awareness of the pass rush. I wish he could read my mind as I say repeatedly watch out!!! Get rid of the ball!!!

The Vikings can’t afford a loss at home especially with the schedule ahead. You HAVE to win your home games!!!!!!!

January 15, 2023 the fans leave quietly and now add September 10th as two very quiet departures from US Bank Stadium.

Philadelphia Eagles up next and I am sure they are licking their chops to tear apart the Vikings O Line but again the game must be played.

I know the chance is slim being prime time and Eagles are one of a couple teams favored to make it to the NFC Title game.

I can only hope the Vikings shock America and beat the Eagles!!!

My prediction Vikings 21 Eagles 17???   I can hope can’t I?


Thank you for reading



Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 17th,2022 will be a day I will never forget


I have been sked by so many people what was being at US Bank Stadium like watching the historical comeback.

Yes it’s been a few days since but the game still is fresh In my mind and may stay like that for quite some time,

I start with offering my pregame thinking as I know the Vikings are 4.5 point favorite and know the Vikings are 9-0 when favored.

I tell you I walked in US Bank with the best feeling as I know a win and I will get to see the NFC North champions and see the hat and T-shirt.

Yes, I was pumped with really no fear of a letdown and I was just plain excited. The excitement pregame was even high for me as I see Tommy Kramer and Ahmad Rashad walking up to the Gjallahorn to sound it and lead the SKOL chant.

The crowd stands as one as the Vikings kick it off and there is the boom as Paul Allen says. I watched in disbelief as the Colt return man just sliced up the Vikings special teams on his way to a long return setting up the Colts in great field position.

It seemed that was the trend the rest of the first half with so many things going right for the Colts and wrong for my favorite team.

I was at the Dallas Cowboy debacle and thought that was horrible but somehow this first half seemed worse. My wife leans over to me and says this is the worst football I have ever seen and you know I couldn’t disagree.

The first half was so much booing by the fans and yet once in a while I heard cheers. I thought what on earth can people be cheering for? Here I find out the paper airplanes people made and tossed the cheers were for the plane making the field. It wasn’t too much longer and I saw security up in the upper levels looking for the offenders.

It was finally halftime and all I could do was shake my head in disbelief. I came in so confident it hurt to see this awful performance. Yes fans let the team know just what they thought by thousands of boos.

The halftime was Mascots vs youth football which was interesting watching mascots stiff arm kids to the ground. I guess I am not too much of a fan of this yearly halftime but that’s only my opinion.

The second half was about to start and I thought if we can get one touchdown not a field goal it would be a good start I guess an obvious statement.

I am thinking to myself the Dallas- Indianapolis game where Dallas scored 33 points in the 4th quarter so I guess anything is possible.

I really thought seeing the first couple drives the Vikings offense looked like they would not be stopped. The thing is could the 32nd ranked Vikings defense make not one stop but every Colts drive would have to be a stop.

I really thought the Vikings D looked as good as they have in a long time as I actually saw several blitzes and penetration by the Vikings defensive line.

The Vikings made it 36-21 and I really thought we had a chance but wondered when Vikings Coach KOC would go for two.

I am not going to go into all the missed calls by the refs as that has been beaten into the ground. I will say the one fumble return I jumped out of my seat and yelled watching the Vikings score. My wife grabs my jersey and says um the play was called dead. “WHAT?” You have to be kidding.

I will say one of the missed fumble returns for a TD drew a crowd reaction where I don’t know if I have ever seen. I saw many beer cans thrown onto the west end zone that’s how upset people were. There were no players in that end so security hustled to pick everything up.

I really don’t believe the Colts were trying to not score the Vikings D just finally made plays.

The screen pass from Kirk Cousins to Dalvin Cook was as good as I have ever seen as once again I am out my chair going crazy yelling as if Dalvin could hear me.

I know it’s a little over two minutes and the time is now to go for two to tie, I watch Kirk drop back survey the field and find TJ Hockenson and we are tie. You can only jump so high at your chair but I am sure I jumped max high.

The game goes to OT and win the coin toss. My confidence we were going to win was maxed out but then the disappointment of having to punt.

The Colts just didn’t scare me but somehow we still needed to make a stop and they did. The story goes like this as I have seen this before.

Yes we drive to set up the game winning field goal on the last play of OT. I had my phone turned to video pushed record and stepped back so my phone would not go anywhere except my hands. It was tough as my hands were soaked in sweat as how many times has my heart been broken with a missed kick or the other team kick a field goal to win.

I was at the 1998 NFC Championship game and watched the Falcons break my heart and I was the 2010 NFC Championship game and watched the Saints break my heart.

Yes, Saturday December 17th, 2022 it was the Vikings turn. Yes. I know it’s not the playoffs but still needed to see a game winner in huge pressure.

What a day seeing the Minnesota Vikings make history with the biggest comeback in NFL history. The Vikings now have 10 wins of 8 points or less which is tied for most in NFL history.

I am 57 going on 58 and hope my heart can keep on taking this because it sure is a fun ride!!!!


The Vikings host the New York Giants Christmas Eve in a whiteout. I will not predict a score just know it’s going to be one exciting Saturday afternoon. It’s the last regular season home game so the outcome has to be in favor of the good guys.



Thursday, August 4, 2022

Observations of early Vikings Training Camp


Training Camp 2022 has begun and with it has begun a new attitude with new leadership and it’s apparent when I am seeing players seemingly happier and the energy early on is so fun to take in.

The camp itself sees 2 practices with a walk through from about 12:15-12:45 then back out about 2:20 and they have been going to anywhere from 4:15-4:45.

The weather early on has been awesome with a little on the hot side but at least for now Tuesday and Wednesday every fan is given a water and there are plenty of refill stations. You are allowed to bring your own water bottle but it must be empty before you enter camp. The gates open at 11:45 and close around 5:15pm.

The players themselves I really want to watch extra especially with a new coaching staff. I really enjoy watching Coach O’Connell interact with the offensive side of the ball. I notice he carries a little walky talky to call the plays in. He stands back and watches the plays develops then approaches different players. I am noticing he will go to receivers after a route and point the way he would like to see the routes run. He is very good at communication from where I sit. He spends so much time with quarterbacks and his offense as they are designing a new system.

The offensive line has been a concern for so long so coming into the season a chance to get five guys to work together. It was last season left tackle, Christian Darrisaw dealt with post-surgery getting back into the swing of it. I was excited to see him out there working the line and getting everyday reps. I am seeing thus far from left to right: Darrisaw (71), Cleveland (72) Bradbury (56), Jesse Davis (73) and O’Neil (75) to complete the line. Jesse Davis is the newcomer and looks solid from what I have seen thus far.

The concern last season of center, Garrett Bradbury being beat at times by bigger guys is still a concern so time will tell. He is undersized and that is a fact, but can he be quicker than the big men he faces.

The defensive side of the ball is so intriguing with the potential of using both the 3-4 and the traditional 4-3.

The Vikings have added some great veteran defensive players with Harrison Phillips (DT), Jordan Hicks (LB) and Z’Darius Smith (DE).

It’s so exciting to see these new ads inserted into the lineup for now. I am seeing Danielle Hunter, Harrison Phillips, Dalvin Tomlinson, and Z’Darius Smith on the defensive line.

Eric Kendricks is looking solid as ever and now as the Vikings let Anthony Barr go we now see Veteran Jordan Hicks next to Kendricks. It’s strange to not see Barr (55) next to Kendricks (54) but as they say life goes on. The new 55 belongs to Z’Darius Smith.

In speaking about (55) Smith it was awesome to see him come out of the locker room along with Patrick Peterson as they came to the fans in the stands to leads the SKOL chant. What a great start for Smith coming over from the Packers.

I see Hunter and Smith together much of practice and it reminds me of the Williams Wall with Pat and Kevin always being together. Yes I know Smith and Hunter are both Defensive Linemen but its’s just something I see.

I wish I understood football just a little more as I watch the defense lineup I see Smith and Hunter standing as if linebackers but then the next play I see Hunter and Smith play the tackle spot. One player to keep an eye on in preseason is (91) Patrick Jones II as he is as quick as it gets especially standing up as a defensive lineman.

I watch practice, read twitter and always listen to KFAN as I watch but can’t watch everything. If I reads or hear about a player I like to play especial attention to that player and I truly enjoy people’s opinions.

The secondary is going to be one of the best in recent history with Patrick Peterson, left corner and across from him is Cam Dantzler who changed his jersey to # 3, The safeties are All Pro, Harrison Smith and his partner for now is Cam Bynum who really looks the part early on.

There are two guys who really are looking hungry and both 2022 draft choices with Andrew Booth Jr (23) and Akayleb Evans (21). These two have no fear of anyone and are so physical.

It is right now Evans, Booth Jr and rookie safety, Lewis Cine are getting a majority reps with the 2nd group of defense. It’s going to be an exciting preseason to watch the battles.

The quarterbacks as we know Kirk Cousins is the starter but for backup I am pulling hard for Kellen Mond to be the backup. I really think he really got treated unfairly by Coach Zimmer. I loved Mond in college and he may or not make the stride to the NFL but I believe he deserves a chance. I have seen Mond look so good and is getting more reps with the 2nd offense then Shawn Mannion for now.

The receiving corp looks as they took no time off from last season and are catching everything. I speak specifically of Justin Jefferson, Adam Thielen and KJ Osborne. There is a ton of youth battling but no one sticks above the other one in my opinion. They are all catching a majority of balls which is a great problem to figure who stays.

The running backs lead by Davin Cook and Alexander Maddison but then the fight begins as Kene Nwangu who looked sharp last season  is currently sitting out so who will take the advantage? I really like # 32 Ty Chandler rookie draft choice who looks like a real deal catching balls out of the backfield and his quickness after a handoff.

The tight ends with Irv Smith having thumb surgetry after missing all of last year who will step up. I am liking many but two who stick out is veteran wearing # 86 Johnny Mundt and came from the Rams system. I am also intrigued by #40 Zach Davison a 2021 draft choice is having a very nice camp. He is 6’6” and catches everything especially down the middle.

This camp also has seen the return of the player’s autographs after practice with different position groups taking turns. It is for kids 17 and under so I am happy these kids get the chance after a 2 year wait.

That’s all for now as I return to Eagan Friday.




Friday, August 6, 2021

9 days in the books with youngsters coming to play


Irv Smith Jr. having a camp of a lifetime early on

The first 9 days are in the books and 18 hours of afternoon practice I have watched and enjoyed. I love watching the like of Dalvin Cook, Justin Jefferson, Adam Thielen, Kirk Cousins on the offensive side and have thoroughly enjoyed some of th young offensive weapons and want you to see these guys in preseason and see what you think. They are full of speed, energy and very solid with their hands.

 Here is 5 guys I want you to watch:


26- Kene Nwangwu RB rookie out of Iowa State is extremely fast

15-Ihmir Smith-Marsette WR out of the University of Iowa
84-Irv Smith Jr TE in 2nd year is catching everything thrown his way

17-KJ Osborn WR never seems to let a ball hit the ground as he always has his body flying all over to catch low or high balls
12-Chad Beebe WR "Mr Hustle"

There are several players making crowd pleasing catches but for the first 9 days these players have wowed me.

Thank you for reading

Enjoy Preseason and watch the 90 players fighting for the 53 man roster spots.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Quaterbacks return and Dantzler shines on D


I was excited to get to Eagan like all other days but more so today as Kirk Cousins and Nate Stanley returned to practice after following protocol of Covid since Saturday.

It’s only practice but these guys need to get the reps with their offense as much as possible since the first preseason game is a week from Saturday.

I noticed players such as Adam Thielen, Patrick Peterson, Dakota Dozier and Hercules Mata’afa were held out pf practice Thursday and Anthony Barr returned back to practice.

The crowd size every day is pretty consistent as I would say the stands are about 30-40 percent full and Thursday’s weather had to be a player’s best friend. The skies were cloudy and it was breezy at times and really never got that warm in my opinion.

I mentioned Dozier out for the offensive line so what I saw first unit a majority of the time from right to left was Brian O’Neil, Oli Udoh, Garrett Bradbury, Ezra Cleveland and Rashod Hill. I did see draft choice, Wyatt Davis with the 2nd unit. Christian Darrisaw was wearing his helmet but once again only working more in the individual drills.

Cousins was back and I did see some nice balls particularly one to back corner of end zone to Justin Jefferson from 335-40 yards out.

The flip side 2nd year corner, Cam Dantzler had a huge day with two interceptions and a great play down the sideline breaking up a deep ball that was intended for Jefferson. If Dantzler had not timed his jump it would have been in my opinion a catch by Jefferson.

The absence of Thielen Thursday gave opportunities for KJ Obsborn to line up opposite Jefferson and also a chance for rookie, Ihmir Smith-Marsette to get some action. It is every day the next man up and a chance to build great depth on the roster.

I have gone to Training Camp 26 years and don’t know if I remember seeing a cart drive to the sideline with two or three huge speakers piled on each other.

I watched as they stopped the cart and turned on the speakers and they were loud and got louder.

The team practiced from 99 yards away from me with the noise machine I will call it. It was just not a few plays I would say it went on 10-15 minutes with deep balls, crossing patterns and back coming out of the backfield is what I could see. I love this activity as in the stands it was fairly loud but I am guessing down on the goal line it was very loud.

The practice schedule is 2:15-4:15 every day but I have noticed about 4:00 the whistle blows part of the team heads back to the building and a different position group comes to the south end zone and signs autographed footballs and throw them in the crowd. Thursday was the defensive line as we got to see just how big some of these guys are and yes they are large.

That's all for now 

Thanks for reading



Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Vikings 2nd day in pads saw some good an some not so much


Wednesday August 4th as another beautiful weather day at TCO Performance Center Vikings Training Camp as we get ready for day two of pads.

I was on my way up to the camp as listened to the PA show who had Michael Pierce on to do a radio and was it ever a great interview as I drove, listened and thought as Michael was speaking.

I know the games have not started but I do know this team has a lot of scary potential and I mean that in a great        way.                                                                                                                                              12-Chad Beebe ready to make another great catch

I will refer to the defensive line as who will teams double team on the Vikings defensive line. If you double either inside tackle whether it be Pierce, Dalvin Tomlinson, Sheldon Richardson the other will be singled up. It teams try to attack our tackles it opens it up for Danielle Hunter or whoever plays right end. It’s a scary line and the fact the line destroys who does that help? Yes, Eric Kendricks, Anthony Barr or whoever they decide as 3rd linebacker which like Nick Vigil for now.

The fact if the defensive line can cause havoc like I believe they can it also help the secondary on coverage. I go to camp every day and watch and only envision the potential this defense has. I will guarantee it will be much better that last year.

The kicking game is concerning for now and I need to give it a chance but today Joseph missed 2 of 3 including a 55 yarder. I know I heard a fan yell as soon as he kicked it, “Cut him.” It’s a work in progress so I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

I love watching practice more and more the older I get seeing who is lining up where and what unit is he playing with.

I saw today for the first time since camp start #one pick, Christian Darrishaw had a helmet on and did a little work more work individual and not team but with time we will see him with the number one unit. 2021 Draft choice, Wyatt Davis was back working with the line again which is encouraging.

The line is definitely a work in progress but if these two can get healthy and stay healthy it’s going to be fun to see how the coaches use them and when they finally decide to use them more in practice.

We are still waiting for Kirk Cousins and Nate Stanley to return for covid protocal and that sounds like Thursday so we saw plenty of Jake Browning, Case Cookus and Danny Etling running the units.

What I am liking is the wide out making plays on balls that may have been off a little and force the guys to dive or stretch for the ball.

I am seeing KJ Osborn and Chad Beebe really becoming quite good at laying out for balls. I am a big fan of Beebe as every route and I mean everyone is run full tilt. He made a diving catch in the end zone that brought a great reaction from the fans.

It might sound redundant but one of my favorite players in camp is Tight End, Irv Smith Jr who honestly I don’t know if I have seen him drop any balls.

It’s crazy but seven days into camp there has not been one bad weather day until Thursday I see a potential of rain. It’s been a great camp and the fields are in perfect condition so I have to believe players are loving these conditions.

Thursday Cousins returns so I am real excited to see how fans react to #8 back on the field. Will they cheer or will they boo?  Stay tuned.

That’s all for now

Thank you for reading
